Thursday, March 13, 2008


之前為弟弟部電腦換了 Kingston 的 Ram 以為一切攪掂,但近日越來越有問顯。當初一日一次 blue screen ,之後一日兩三次,到了近日一日六七次。每日都有 blue screen 完全不能接受。我上網看過很多 Website 都有題及很多人都有 blue screen 而且好煩。我不知這是否 Vista 的問題或是 hardware 的問題,總之就摸不著頭腦。

我試過重裝過,或 upgrade 都不成, upgrade 途中還會 blue screen 。用了 sfc 找到有 corrupt files 但又不能 repair 。真的很想打人!我都不知道為何電腦是這樣的煩,電腦不是用來方便人類的嗎?那麼現在只會使人類更為不便。雖然我從事電腦相關的行業,但我其實並不是喜歡電腦的。

1 comment:

Haricot 微豆 said...

I agree with you, it is annoying when technologies do not "serve" human or work the way it should. I have been without a Blackberry for over a month now and I must say I still miss it (even though I could have bought another one). The issue at hand is the increasing "symbiotic" relationship with and our dependency on technologies and machines :(