Friday, July 4, 2008


成個星期無 update 過,真是太忙了!忙於工作;忙於家居事務;忙於為女兒處理開學事宜;忙於練琴。原本我今次想講練琴的事,因為現時的老師每次都給我很多新野練,不過我想講家居問題先。



Haricot 微豆 said...

Some suggestions ...

水喉滴水: Put in all new gasket + wrap Teflon tape around threads.

水箱漏水: I assume you mean water won't stop going into the toilet bowl. Try replace the whole flusing mechanism (plug, rods, float, etc) inside.

屋企牆身入晒水: You may hire someone to tar the wall (on the outside) to stop the seepage.

Please note the above are NOT professional advice.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your suggestion! I will try them when I have time.